Rhino for Teachers
Teachers save up to 80% on a commercial Rhino license
- Curriculum Guide
- User’s Guides: For Windows and Mac
- Level 1 and 2: Training Guides and Models
- Level 1 and 2 Testing: See Certifications below
- Learn Page: Guides, Tutorials and Classes
- Help: An online version of the Rhino help documentation
- Rhino in Education: A place to shine a light on the work of students and teachers (focus on secondary/high school)
- Rhino3D.Education: Courses on GHPython, Grasshopper, Sudohopper, PanelingTools
- Essential Mathematics for Computational Design
- YouTube: Rhinoceros3D: Tutorials in English
- YouTube: McNeel Europe: Rhino User Webinars and food4rhino Webinars
- YouTube: Rhino3D.Education: Rhino3D.Education’s channel
- Vimeo: Rhino Tutorials: Tutorial collection with basic and advanced topics
- Discourse: Teachers Community: Discussions related to teaching Rhino
- Tech Support: We include unlimited support
- What’s New in Rhino 8?: Find out about all the new features
- Licensing: Rhino has flexible educational licensing
Are you looking to become a Certified Rhino Specialist? We offer certifications for educators and students:
- Rhino Certifications and Exams
- Annual Academic Rhino Proctor Membership (includes testing pack 30 students)
Do you want to become an authorized trainer or training center?
+800 apps/resources for Rhino and Grasshopper.
Our forum: simple or complex questions, from new or veteran users, about all our products. Rhino Teachers category
Training & Events
Classroom training, online training, workshops, conferences.
Development Platform
Official developer resources for Rhino and Grasshopper.