Rhino Reseller News

February 2015

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If you sell Rhino, this information is for you. It will take you less that 5 minutes to read.

New major product release


As you may know, the new big thing coming up is Rhino for Mac. If you haven’t given it a try yet, it is time to start. You will not want to have a long line of customers waiting to order Rhino for Mac from you, and you not having a clue about what it is!

Try it now...

Familiar with Discourse?


In case you have never logged in, you might want to know that Discourse is the McNeel Forum where McNeel developers, support team and users gather together to learn from each other and ask all sorts of questions.
Did you know that there is a private group on Discourse for you, as a Reseller? Sign up and send us your username if you wish to post questions and share your experiences and worries with other resellers like you.

Sign up...



We are developing a new system for delivering our licenses electronically, instead of shipping them by physical means as we have always done until now. This will imply a more effective, ecological, cheaper, faster and easier way of delivering our products to you. In the meantime, we still ship paper envelopes for our software products.
We will share more news with you as soon as the new system is in place.

If you have 5 more extra minutes, you might want to read more info here...

Update your website

When was last time that you fine tuned your website? If you have a look at it now and see that your McNeel products section need some restyling, you will find some useful materials here (only available in English for now).



With over 40,000 downloads in the last month, Food4Rhino is ‘The’ repository for Rhino and Grasshopper Apps.
Among the 180 available Apps, this month we are featuring Kangaroo.

Watch the video...

Blog digest

What’s up with Rhino in the last month? These are the top 3 blog posts in February:

More news on the Rhino blog...

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Delia Robalo

Phone: +34 93 319 90 02

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