Read carefully

The Rhino 8 "soft" launch process has started.

Every few days, we will send you more details. If you have questions, post them on the private Rhino Reseller discussion forum. (If you don't have access, contact your regional office.)

What is the "soft" launch?
The Rhino 8 “soft launch” is the many-week process building to the public announcement.

Approximately 30 days before the public announcement, resellers can start processing pre-announcement Rhino 8 orders. But, we expect you will NOT push out any public announcements via email, social media, or press releases until the public announcement date.

The steps leading up to the public announcement include:

  • Release Rhino 8 SDKs to plugin developers (90+ days prior)
  • Release Rhino 8 beta to all Rhino 7 licensed users (60+ days prior)
  • Coordinate launch logistics with resellers, including:
    (Starting 60+ days prior)
    • Develop a clear understanding of the “soft” launch process.
    • Provide resellers with the details needed to update websites, training, support, and sales processes.
    • Coordinate public announcements.
    • Ship Rhino 8 products to resellers so they can process pre-public announcement orders. (~30 days prior)
    • Start replacing resellers’ Rhino 7 inventory with Rhino 8.

Before we make a public announcement, we want to make sure:

  • Resellers have Rhino 8 in stock and can deliver instantly.
  • All resellers can provide Rhino 8 support and training.
  • All popular Rhino plugins are available for Rhino 8.
  • Rhino 8 is stable and production-ready.
  • Most important: During the ~30 days before the public announcement, anyone can buy Rhino 8. This avoids dealing with unhappy customers who purchased a few days before the Rhino 8 announcement.

Again, if you have any questions, post them on the Rhino Reseller discussion forum.

We will have more details for you in the next week or so.


 - Bob McNeel