Check out the latest Rhino training news...

Rhinoceros Training News

July 2020


Learning to use Rhino?



Online Training Courses and Webinars

Rhino and Grasshopper training is still taking place. Click on the links below for more information...

MakerMex and Digital Fabrication with Rhino and KUKA Robots (in Spanish), July 25
SOFiSTiK Grasshopper Basic and SOFiSTiK Interaction Training Course, July 28, 29, August 4
Akiyo Matsuoka, ART Intro to Rhino 3D Modeling, LIVE Online, August 4-25
Complex Geometry Parametric Facades On-Line Grasshopper Training in Spanish, August 8
Laboratory for Visionary Architecture Parametric Design Webinars, August 17-20, 24-27
Akiyo Matsuoka, ART Intermediate Grasshopper for Generative Jewelry Design LIVE Online,  August 24-September 2
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Rhino 2D and 3D (in Spanish), October 19-December 4

Current classes around the world.



Best regards,

Jody Mills
Direct: +1 (206) 634-4571
Phone: +1 (206) 545-7000